Friday, April 25, 2008

What are you thinking?

Ever wonder why you're doing what you're doing and even what exactly it is you're doing when you're doing what you're doing?

Ever wonder why you wonder?

That's probably the most collosal conundrum of them all.

I'm thinking that it's the thinking that gets our knickers in the proverbial knot rather than the actual thing itself that we're profoundly pondering. Around and around our minds we perpetually promulgate the same old ideas, thoughts, random musings, worries, insecurities, fears, likes, and dislikes until they manifest a "life of their own" so to speak...I mean, think.

But is it REALLY all that bad? Or are we just, for the most part, bored? Bored of doing the same old thing over and over again, going to the same chair in the same office day after day, talking to the same people, living with the same family, eating the same meals, sleeping on the same pillow, etc., etc. ad infinitum.

How much of the problem is "them" and how much of it is us?

Spice it up! Eat a jalepeno! Buy a new pillow! Do something with that boring old family that you haven't done before or done in a long time! Ask (firmly) you're husband/wife/goat to get into a new position 'cause you got some lovin' to do and that tired old "lay on your back and let me bestow my blessed pleasure upon you" crap just ain't gonna cut it tonight!

Do something different. Do lots of different things.

Quit your pondering and start performing.

You will be glad you did.


Anonymous said...

You wrote that specifically for your wife, didn't you?

Worker Bee said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, interesting. I wonder.... :)