Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The downward spiral

I am currently in allergy hell and allergy season has just begun.

I'm allergic to grass pollen, you see, so there's virtually nowhere I can go to escape 'cause eventhough we've done a pretty good job of raping and pillaging ole Mother Earth, there's still a bunch of the green stuff all over the place. It's the one natural thing that we all seem to like and like to complain about so it gives us something to do.

It's not even so much that my nose has a constant mucousy slow leak happenin' that really bothers me or that you have to eat and drink everything in small doses so you don't suffocate or drown. The thing that drives me absolutely insane is that my upper nasal passageway/sinuses are swollen completely shut (think opposite of Paris Hilton) and no amount of antihistamine, nasal sprays, or cold compresses can help. All nasal sprays (in case you were wondering) smell and taste like ammonia. You'd think they'd at least make a nice fresh lemon scent available, maybe apple pie or something. After awhile even the faint aroma of dirty beaver would be a welcome change, although that also carries a slight vinegary tang to it once in awhile.

Sidenote: I made the mistake once of trying to spray Otrivin up my nose while lying down on the couch. Sprays were made to be used in the upright position was the "take home message" from that experience. I quickly learned that lesson after what was supposed to be a fine misty spray actually came out in a high-powered stream-of-doom that went directly through my sinuses and down the back of my throat burning a trail all along the way. Nasal sprays are strong, but Otrivin is the freakin' Hercules/Superman/Incredible Hulk/John Holmes of nasal sprays. I tasted ammonia for at least 10 days after that. Bad, bad idea.

Not only that, but I took an allergy pill this morning (allegra-D to be exact), and my whole body is getting pretty rubbery right now. I don't know why but I can drink like a fish all night with the hardest liquer you can find and not feel a thing that night or the morning after, but I take one teensy tiny little "Non-Drowsy" allergy pill or other non-Advil medication and it is good night big 250lbs Tony. I'm not even sure if I can feel my toes right now.

Add that to the brain-numbing effect being at work usually has on me and I just might try to eat my lunch with my ass pretty soon. I hope someone has the courage to stop me, they usually just let me sit with broccoli in my teeth so I'm not too hopeful.

I am positive that there are people in the world suffering 1-million times greater suffering than anything that I will ever have to go through in my lifetime, but right now, I just want to breathe again.

Pity me, really, 'cause I'm pitiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one went really wel with my quiche. Especially the mucous reference.

So, you mean, um, you don't actually WANT to walk around with broccoli in your teeth? Huh. You do it so often I thought it was a statement.