Finally got my sorry butt on to Facebook and I must admit that while I was not that impressed with the site itself, it is extremely addictive and an excellent way to destroy even more brain cells while at work.
Here are some random observations I made while surfing through the various pages and people I used to go to highschool with (or so they say, I can't remember anymore):
1. While people might speak with a Jamaican or other Carribean accent in person I am really confused by why those same people feel the need to TYPE with a Jamaican or other Carribean accent, for example:
"I kno of a certain young male teach (who shall remain nameless) dat was sleepin wid students. I kno of a gyrl who actually had a xtra curikular relationship wid him. She doesnt tink I kno butt..... I KNO WUT HAPPENED DURIN MASS WID YU N HIM! Comin bak fixin yur hair, n wipin yur mouth yu should've told him ta fix hiz zippa! Hope ya passed hiz class tha 2nd time aroun"
...I just don't get it.
2. If you are an attractive female and someone asks to be your "Friend", they really want to "Super Poke" you. If you are an attractive male and someone asks to be your friend...they really don't want anything at all. They're just annoying. Or your cousin.
3. Why do people who are obviously not gangsters take pictures of themselves to try and make themselves look like gangsters? See: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=499530&id=603810720
Here are some random observations I made while surfing through the various pages and people I used to go to highschool with (or so they say, I can't remember anymore):
1. While people might speak with a Jamaican or other Carribean accent in person I am really confused by why those same people feel the need to TYPE with a Jamaican or other Carribean accent, for example:
"I kno of a certain young male teach (who shall remain nameless) dat was sleepin wid students. I kno of a gyrl who actually had a xtra curikular relationship wid him. She doesnt tink I kno butt..... I KNO WUT HAPPENED DURIN MASS WID YU N HIM! Comin bak fixin yur hair, n wipin yur mouth yu should've told him ta fix hiz zippa! Hope ya passed hiz class tha 2nd time aroun"
...I just don't get it.
2. If you are an attractive female and someone asks to be your "Friend", they really want to "Super Poke" you. If you are an attractive male and someone asks to be your friend...they really don't want anything at all. They're just annoying. Or your cousin.
3. Why do people who are obviously not gangsters take pictures of themselves to try and make themselves look like gangsters? See: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=499530&id=603810720
4. Why do girls/women who claim to not be looking to get laid post cleavage-closeup photos? I don't have any specific links...there's plenty of 'em on there.
I changed my mind on #4, here's a link:
That's it for now. I'm off to install a dishwasher, take my son to his soccer team photos, and maybe find a theatre that's still playing Hot Fuzz.
Gotta go!
*lol* Some very astute observations there :o)
I was almost certain that when I clicked that facebook link I'd see your gangsta-ass staring back at me :)
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